Current Watches, Warnings and Advisories for New Jersey Issued by the National Weather Service

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



If you are curious as to how effective the Jersey Weathguys accuracy rate is, and how much advanced notice you may obtain IN ADVANCE of Severe Weather, the following data demonstrates the skill of our team, the accuracy of detecting potentially damaging storms and the ability to detect storm intensification scientifically and report those findings immediately with the goal of protecting lives and property.  A special thank you to Bob Burger, Chris Aldrich and Dave Jonaitis for their efforts as well during the storm outbreak between July 13th through July 15th.   Here are the important Storm-By-The-Numbers (SBTN) for this particular outbreak:

July 13th, 2014

At 6:30PM, and again at 6:53PM, the Jersey WeatherGuys (JWG) issued a Severe Weather Alert for a potential Severe Thunderstorm that would affect Western NJ.  At 10:27PM, the National Weather Service (NWS) in Mount Holly, NJ issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning… JWG provided nearly 4 hours advance notice on this storm.

July 14th, 2014

At 3:57PM, JWG posted an advisory for a possible Severe Thunderstorm with rotation observed in the wall clouds that formed.   At 4:21PM, the NWS issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for this storm.   JWG provided approximately 25 minutes advanced warning on this particular cell.

At 6:26PM, the JWG posted an “Area of Concern” regarding a potentially damaging storm cell developing in Maryland.  Based on that particular storm’s history, it’s trajectory and prior Tornado Warning… JWG issued an alert for most of South and Central Jersey.  At 7:03PM, the NWS issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Salem County for that same storm.  The warnings were further extended into Glouster/Camden Counties (7:29PM) and Burlington/Camden Counties (7:53PM) and finally Ocean/Monmouth at 8:36PM.  Most importantly, this same storm line became Tornado Warned in Burlington County at 8:19PM!   Jersey WeatherGuys provided nearly 2 HOURS ADVANCED WARNING on the Tornado Storm Line… and between 1/2 hour - 2 hours advanced notice for this severe storm line for most of Southern/Central Jersey!

July 15th, 2014

At 1:30PM, the Jersey WeatherGuys issued an initial alert for a line of storms that were increasing in intensity, and appeared to be ramping up to severe status.  Again at 1:50PM, the JWG issued an additional alert for this same line of storms.  The National Weather Service issued Severe Thunderstorm Warnings for multiple counties including Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington at 2:29PM and 2:30PM.  Jersey WeatherGuys provided over 1 hour advanced warning of this line of storms for all of the Counties listed in the Severe Thunderstorm Warning areas.

At 3:10PM, the JerseyWeatherGuys observed and reported an Area of Concern for Southern NJ… a line of thunderstorms that appeared to be intensifying on Doppler Radar.  At 3:42PM, the National Weather Service issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Counties in South Jersey for that same line of storms (Salem/Glouster).  Jersey WeatherGuys provided over 1/2 hour advanced warning for that line of storms.

At 4:03PM, the Jersey WeatherGuys provided a detailed analysis of another Area of Concern for a line of storms that appeared to be intensifying and heading into a highly populated region of NJ (Middlesex, Mercer, Ocean, Monmouth and Burlington Counties).  At 4:55PM and again at 5:11PM, the National Weather Service issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Middlesex, Somerset, Mercer, Morris and Hunterdon Counties.  The Jersey WeatherGuys provided approximately 45 minutes advanced warning for these areas.  At 5:16PM and again at 6:11PM, the National Weather Service extended those Warnings to Coastal Ocean and Monmouth Counties.   The Jersey WeatherGuys provided ONE TO TWO HOURS advanced notice for those counties.

This is in addition to several hours advanced notice of Flash Flood Warnings that were issued for multiple counties in NJ between 7/14/14 - 7/15/14 as well as a few notices published for NYC and Long Island with a minimum of 30 minutes advanced notice.

Data Source:  National Weather Service Mount Holly.
Jersey WeatherGuys Severe Weather Forecaster: GSL / OCNJ009

Verified:  July 16, 2014

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