Current Watches, Warnings and Advisories for New Jersey Issued by the National Weather Service

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Many of you may have heard that the Polar Vortex will be making a comeback next week. We thought that this might be a good time to remind everyone what the Polar Vortex is and isn’t through this informational graphic. The most basic definition is that it is a piece of energy that comes from the polar region. It is generated by the large difference in temperature between the tropics and the poles. The temperature gradient is strongest during the winter; therefore it is more likely to affect mid latitudes (our area) in the winter. However, it can affect us in the summer, but it is not nearly as strong as it is in the winter. The Climate Prediction Center is forecasting a 40%-50% chance of below normal temperatures for our area, while they are forecasting an 80%-90% chance of below normal temperatures for the mid-west. Because it is summer, the cool air mass will moderate quickly and the temperatures here are not expected to be as cool as what is forecast in the mid-west. Temperatures here will likely be just slightly below normal, but keep checking back with us for updates!

THANK YOU to our friends at the NWS NY for putting out this very simple to understand graphic regarding the "Polar Vortex."  This is the best way to describe it, and ensures everyone that we stand behind the science of Meteorology.  The "Polar Vortex" took on a life of its own during the winter of 2013-2014 for unknown reasons (probably just because of the shear volume of cold days due to the phenomenon) however, it's now summer... we won't see the next ice-age due to this Polar Vortex... but we will see some rather unpleasant weather starting Monday, July 14th... we hope this info-graphic helps everyone understand what it is, what it isn't, and more importantly, what NOT to fear when they hear the term in July.  We will be posting our severe weather updates as the cold air mass starts to make its way south and east into the region later this weekend/early start of the work week.

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